To maintain their beauty and integrity, hand made carpets require special attention. Our carpet washing and stain removal services, led by a team of experts, understand the sensitivities of each type of carpet. After carefully removing all dirt and dust from the rug, they give the spotted area extra care before shampooing and cleaning off the entire piece. The carpet is then dried and finished. The fringes also go through a meticulous cleansing and manicuring process, bringing them back to life.

Over time, your carpet may fade due to age, wear, wash, and sunlight. However, we can bring your carpet back to life by restoring its brilliant colours,. The fee for the re-dying process is subject to the number of colours needed, the detail of the carpet pattern, and the severity of the colour loss. Our skilled artisans use a variety of tools to complete the process including syringes, air rushes and sprayers, resulting in the most detailed colour restoration.